12. Mockito Verify
Mockito Verify
ND079 JPND C3 L5 A08a Mockito Verify V3
Verify Methods Called
allows us to override the behavior of methods, but we need a different tool to tell if a method was called. That tool is verify
If we had a method that saved results to a database, we might want to write a test to check if that method saved the correct values. Testing the full interaction between a service and a database is no longer in the scope of a unit test, however, so what we will do instead is check if the method to save the results was called.
public class PersistentSalesService implements SalesService {
private SalesRepository salesRepository;
public PersistentSalesService(SalesRepository salesRepository) {
this.salesRepository = salesRepository;
public String fizzBuzz(int i) {
String retVal = fizzBuzzInternal(i);
salesRepository.saveResults(i, retVal); //verify THIS method
return retVal;
class PersistentSalesServiceTest {
private SalesRepository salesRepository;
private PersistentSalesService persistentSalesService;
void init() {
persistentSalesService = new PersistentSalesService(salesRepository);
void persistentSalesService_fizzBuzz_savesToDatabase(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {
int i = repetitionInfo.getCurrentRepetition();
String result = persistentSalesService.fizzBuzz(i);
verify(salesRepository).saveResults(i, result);
ND079 JPND C3 L5 A08b Mockito Verify With Additional Parameters
Verify with ArgumentMatchers
//checks that any string is saved for the current integer
verify(salesRepository).saveResults(i, anyString());
Verify the Number of Interactions
//fail if saveResults not called exactly 2 times
verify(salesRepository, times(2)).saveResults(i, anyString());
//fail if saveResults called more than 10 times
verify(salesRepository, atMost(10)).saveResults(i, anyString());
//fail if saveResults not called 3 or more times
verify(salesRepository, atLeast(3)).saveResults(i, anyString());
Verify Order of Interactions
//fail if delete and saveResults are not called in order
InOrder inOrder = Mockito.inOrder(salesRepository);
inOrder.verify(salesRepository).saveResults(i, result);